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ENCH = Enchanting Effects.

NAME = Various length, string. Enchanting ID.
ENDT = 16 bytes, Enchant Data as described.
    4 bytes, integer. Type:
      -- 0 = Cast Once,
      -- 1 = Cast Strikes,
      -- 2 = Cast when Used,
      -- 3 = Constant Effect.
    4 bytes, integer. EnchantCost.
    4 bytes, integer. Charge.
    4 bytes, integer. AutoCalc.
ENAM = 24 bytes, Single enchantment data as described.
    2 bytes, short. EffectID
    1 byte, byte. SkillID (255 if NA).
    1 byte, byte. AttributeID (255 if NA).
    4 bytes, integer. RangeType:
      -- 0 = Self,
      -- 1 = Touch,
      -- 2 = Target.
    4 bytes, integer. Area.
    4 bytes, integer. Duration.
    4 bytes, integer. MagMin.
    4 bytes, integer. MagMax.

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