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Format of Morrowind's ESM Plug-In File

Basic Overall Format:

The ESM/ESP/ESS files are composed entirely of Records with this format.


4 bytes, char[4]. Name.
    -- 4-byte record name string. all CAPS, not null-terminated.
4 bytes, integer. Record size.
    -- Size of the record not including the 16 bytes of header data.
4 bytes, integer. Unknown.
    -- Unknown value, usually 0 (deleted/ignored flag?).
4 bytes, integer. Record flags.
    --   0x00002000 = Blocked
    --   0x00000400 = Persistant
Record size bytes, SubRecords[]. 
    -- All records are composed of a variable number of sub-records. There
    -- is no sub-record count, just use the record Size value to determine
    -- when to stop reading a record.


The sub-record is the tail of the record and it contains data specific to the record type.

4 bytes, char[4]. Name.
    -- 4-byte sub-record name string, all CAPS, not null-terminated
4 bytes, long. Size of sub-record.
    -- Size of the sub-record not including the 8 bytes of header data.
Size of sub-record bytes, various format. Sub-Record data.
    -- Format depends on the sub-record type.

Sub-record types

TES3, Main header.

GMST, Game setting.

GLOB, Global variable.

CLAS, Character class definition.

FACT, Faction definition.

RACE, Race definition.

SOUN, Sound reference.

SKIL, Skill increase pace definition.

MGEF, Magic effect description.

SCPT, Script.

REGN, Region information. Sound, weather...

BSGN, Birth Sign.

STAT, Static.

DOOR, Door definition.

MISC, Misc item definition.

WEAP, Weapon definition.

See also

Original ESx description from Dave Humphrey.