GMSTs (status)
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Removed due to implementation difference:
- sKeyName_*
Implemented, but unlisted:
- sSkill* (skill names) - sEffect* (magic effect names) - sMagic*ID (summoned creature & bound item IDs) - fWerewolf* (implemented werewolf skill/stat/attribute values)
- Implemented: This GMST is used by OpenMW.
- Not started: This GMST is not currently used by OpenMW. Note: we might not want to implement GMSTs that are not used by Morrowind, because we can not be sure there is a proper translation or proper value for this GMST in all versions of Morrowind.
- Removed: This GMST will not be used by OpenMW, because it was broken or not useful.
- Used: This GMST is used by the original engine (please add a link to the Research wiki page to clarify what the GMST is used for).
- Unused: This GMST was never used by the original engine.
- Reportedly missing in unpatched MW 1.0: This GMST reportedly does not exist in unpatched versions of Morrowind's data files, so when implementing this GMST in OpenMW special care must be taken to add a reasonable default value to the code.
GMST | Specification | Implementation | Default value |
sMonthMorningstar | implemented | Morning Star | |
sMonthSunsdawn | implemented | Sun's Dawn | |
sMonthFirstseed | implemented | First Seed | |
sMonthRainshand | implemented | Rain's Hand | |
sMonthSecondseed | implemented | Second Seed | |
sMonthMidyear | implemented | Mid Year | |
sMonthSunsheight | implemented | Sun's Height | |
sMonthLastseed | implemented | Last Seed | |
sMonthHeartfire | implemented | Heartfire | |
sMonthFrostfall | implemented | Frost Fall | |
sMonthSunsdusk | implemented | Sun's Dusk | |
sMonthEveningstar | implemented | Evening Star | |
sSpecialization | implemented | Specialization | |
sSpecializationCombat | implemented | Combat | |
sSpecializationMagic | implemented | Magic | |
sSpecializationStealth | implemented | Stealth | |
sSkillClassMajor | implemented | Major Skills | |
sSkillClassMinor | implemented | Minor Skills | |
sSkillClassMisc | implemented | Misc Skills | |
sRacialTraits | not started | Racial Traits | |
sHealthPerHourOfRest | not started | Health per hour of rest | |
sHealthPerLevel | not started | Health per level | |
sGoverningAttribute | implemented | Governing Attribute | |
sClass | implemented | Class | |
sTraits | not started | Traits | |
sJournal | implemented | Journal | |
sOK | implemented | OK | |
sClose | implemented | Close | |
sPrev | not started | Prev | |
sNext | implemented | Next | |
sTake | implemented | Take | |
sWeaponTab | implemented | Weapon | |
sApparelTab | implemented | Apparel | |
sMagicTab | implemented | Magic | |
sMiscTab | implemented | Misc | |
sWornTab | not started | Worn | |
sAllTab | implemented | All | |
sAttack | implemented | Attack | |
sUses | implemented | Uses | |
sQuality | implemented | Quality | |
sCharges | implemented | Charge: | |
sArmorRating | implemented | Armor Rating | |
sSlash | implemented | Slash | |
sThrust | implemented | Thrust | |
sChop | implemented | Chop | |
sEncumbrance | not started | Encumbrance | |
sCondition | implemented | Condition | |
sWeight | implemented | Weight | |
sValue | implemented | Value | |
sLight | implemented | Light | |
sMedium | implemented | Medium | |
sHeavy | implemented | Heavy | |
sCancel | implemented | Cancel | |
sTakeAll | implemented | Take All | |
sUntilHealed | implemented | Until Healed | |
sRest | implemented | Rest | |
sWait | implemented | Wait | |
sRestIllegal | implemented | Resting here is illegal. You'll need to find a bed. | |
sGold | implemented | Gold | |
sMove | not started | Move | |
sTo | implemented | to | |
sActorInCombat | implemented | This character is in combat. | |
sArmor | implemented | Armor | |
sTopics | not started | Topics | |
sService | not started | Service | |
sPersuasion | implemented | Persuasion | |
sBye | not started | Bye | |
sGoodbye | implemented | Goodbye | |
sYes | implemented | Yes | |
sNo | implemented | No | |
sOn | implemented | On | |
sOff | implemented | Off | |
sFull | not started | Full | |
sWorld | implemented | World | |
sExpelled | implemented | EXPELLED | |
sExpelledMessage | implemented | You have been expelled from | |
sFavoriteSkills | implemented | Favorite Skills | |
sGame | not started | Game | |
sVideo | implemented | Video | |
sAudio | implemented | Audio | |
sControls | implemented | Controls | |
sPrefs | implemented | Prefs | |
sPreferences | not started | Preferences | |
sNewGame | not started | New Game | |
sExitGame | not started | Exit Game | |
sOptions | not started | Options Menu | |
sSaveGame | not started | Save Game | |
sLoadGame | not started | Load Game | |
sDeleteGame | implemented | Delete Game | |
sSaveGameDenied | implemented | You cannot save your game right now. | |
sSaveGameFailed | not started | An error was encountered while saving the game. | |
sSaveGameTooBig | not started | There is not enough space to save this game. Free up at least %i blocks and try again. | |
sSaveGameNoMemory | reportedly missing in unpatched Morrowind 1.0 | not started | Unable to create Save Game. Free up 100 blocks and try again. |
sMaximumSaveGameMessage | reportedly missing in unpatched Morrowind 1.0 | removed | You have reached the limit of Morrowind saved games. Please delete a Morrowind saved game and try again. |
sRender_Distance | implemented | View Distance | |
sNear | implemented | Near | |
sFar | implemented | Far | |
sGamma_Correction | implemented | Gamma Correction | |
sLight_Gamma | implemented | Light | |
sDark_Gamma | implemented | Dark | |
sSeldom | not started | Seldom | |
sAlways | not started | Always | |
sWaterTerrainReflect | not started | Reflect Terrain | |
sWaterReflectUpdate | not started | Reflection Updating | |
fWaterReflectUpdateAlways | unused | not started | 0 |
fWaterReflectUpdateSeldom | unused | not started | 10 |
sMaster | implemented | Master | |
sVoice | implemented | Voice | |
sEffects | implemented | Effects | |
sFootsteps | implemented | Footsteps | |
sMusic | implemented | Music | |
sTransparency_Menu | implemented | Menu Transparency | |
sMenu_Help_Delay | implemented | Menu Help Delay | |
sAIDistance | not started | AI Distance | |
sHigh | implemented | High | |
sLow | implemented | Low | |
sDetail_Level | not started | Detail Level | |
sMenus | not started | Menus | |
sStrip | not started | Strip | |
sReturnToGame | not started | Return To Game | |
sForward | implemented | Forward | |
sBack | implemented | Back | |
sLeft | implemented | Left | |
sRight | implemented | Right | |
sUse | implemented | Use | |
sActivate | implemented | Activate | |
sReady_Weapon | implemented | Ready Weapon | |
sReady_Magic | implemented | Ready Magic | |
sCrouch_Sneak | implemented | Sneak | |
sRun | implemented | Run | |
sAlways_Run | implemented | Always Run | |
sAuto_Run | reportedly missing in unpatched Morrowind 1.0 | implemented | Auto Run |
sJump | implemented | Jump | |
sNextWeapon | implemented | Next Weapon | |
sPrevWeapon | implemented | Previous Weapon | |
sNextSpell | implemented | Next Spell | |
sPrevSpell | implemented | Previous Spell | |
sTogglePOVCmd | implemented | Toggle POV | |
sMenu_Mode | not started | Menu Mode | |
sJournalCmd | not started | Journal | |
sRestKey | implemented | Rest | |
sQuickMenu | implemented | Quick Menu | |
sQuick1Cmd | implemented | Quick 1 | |
sQuick2Cmd | implemented | Quick 2 | |
sQuick3Cmd | implemented | Quick 3 | |
sQuick4Cmd | implemented | Quick 4 | |
sQuick5Cmd | implemented | Quick 5 | |
sQuick6Cmd | implemented | Quick 6 | |
sQuick7Cmd | implemented | Quick 7 | |
sQuick8Cmd | implemented | Quick 8 | |
sQuick9Cmd | implemented | Quick 9 | |
sQuick10Cmd | implemented | Quick 10 | |
sQuickSaveCmd | implemented | Quick Save | |
sQuickLoadCmd | implemented | Quick Load | |
sForwardXbox | removed | Move Forward | |
sBackXbox | removed | Move Backward | |
sSlideLeftXbox | removed | Slide Left | |
sSlideRightXbox | removed | Slide Right | |
sMenuModeXbox | removed | Menu Mode | |
sActivateXbox | removed | Activate | |
sUseXbox | removed | Use | |
sReadyItemXbox | removed | Ready Item | |
sReadyMagicXbox | removed | Ready Magic | |
sCrouchXbox | removed | Sneak | |
sRunXbox | removed | Run | |
sToggleRunXbox | removed | Toggle Run | |
sJumpXbox | removed | Jump | |
sTogglePOVXbox | removed | Toggle View | |
sMenuNextXbox | removed | Next Menu | |
sMenuPrevXbox | removed | Previous Menu | |
sJournalXbox | removed | Journal | |
sQuick4Xbox | removed | sQuick4Xbox | |
sQuick5Xbox | removed | sQuick5Xbox | |
sQuick6Xbox | removed | sQuick6Xbox | |
sQuick7Xbox | removed | sQuick7Xbox | |
sQuick8Xbox | removed | sQuick8Xbox | |
sQuick9Xbox | removed | sQuick9Xbox | |
sQuick0Xbox | removed | sQuick0Xbox | |
sOptionsMenuXbox | removed | Options Menu | |
sSystemMenuXbox | removed | System Menu | |
sRestMenuXbox | removed | Rest/Wait | |
sQuickSaveXbox | removed | Quick Save | |
sQuickLoadXbox | removed | Quick Load | |
sMoveUpXbox | removed | Move Up | |
sMoveDownXbox | removed | Move Down | |
sLookUpXbox | removed | Look Up | |
sLookDownXbox | removed | Look Down | |
sTurnLeftXbox | removed | Turn Left | |
sTurnRightXbox | removed | Turn Right | |
sNextWeaponXbox | removed | Next Weapon | |
sPrevWeaponXbox | removed | Previous Weapon | |
sNextSpellXbox | removed | Next Spell | |
sPrevSpellXbox | removed | Previous Spell | |
sDialogText1Xbox | removed | PUSH | |
sDialogText2Xbox | removed | TO GO BACK | |
sDialogText3Xbox | removed | TO READ MORE | |
sQuick_Save | implemented | Auto-Save when Rest | |
sShadowText | not started | Real-time Shadows | |
sLockSuccess | implemented | Lock pick success! | |
sLockFail | implemented | Lock pick failed. | |
sLockImpossible | implemented | Lock too complex. | |
sTrapSuccess | implemented | Trap disarmed! | |
sTrapFail | implemented | Disarm trap failed. | |
sTrapImpossible | implemented | Trap too complex, your chance to disarm it is zero | |
sTrapped | implemented | Trapped | |
sLockLevel | implemented | Lock Level | |
sKeyUsed | implemented | used to open lock | |
sUnlocked | implemented | Unlocked | |
fRepairMult | used | implemented | 1 |
fRepairAmountMult | used | implemented | 3 |
fSpellValueMult | used | implemented | 10 |
fSpellMakingValueMult | used | implemented | 7 |
fEnchantmentValueMult | used | implemented | 1000 |
fTravelMult | used | implemented | 4000 |
fTravelTimeMult | used | implemented | 16000 |
fMagesGuildTravel | used | implemented | 10 |
sBarter | implemented | Barter | |
sRepair | implemented | Repair | |
sSpells | implemented | Spells | |
sTraining | implemented | Training | |
sTravel | implemented | Travel | |
sSpellmaking | implemented | Spellmaking | |
sEnchanting | implemented | Enchanting | |
sJoystickNotFound | removed | Joystick not found. | |
sJournalEntry | implemented | Your journal has been updated. | |
sDay | implemented | Day | |
sCreate | implemented | Create | |
sIngredients | implemented | Ingredients | |
sApparatus | implemented | Apparatus | |
sCreatedEffects | implemented | Created Effects | |
sOnetypeEffectMessage | implemented | This effect has already been added. | |
sName | implemented | Name | |
sNameTitle | not started | Name | |
sSelect | not started | Select | |
sBuy | implemented | Buy | |
sInfo | not started | Info | |
sMagicEffects | implemented | Magic Effects | |
sOnce | not started | Once | |
sCostCharge | implemented | Cost/Charge | |
sCostChance | implemented | Cost/Chance | |
sAttributesMenu1 | implemented | Choose an Attribute | |
sBirthsignmenu1 | implemented | Abilities: | |
sBirthsignmenu2 | implemented | Spells: | |
sChooseClassMenu1 | implemented | Specialization: | |
sChooseClassMenu2 | implemented | Favorite Attributes: | |
sChooseClassMenu3 | implemented | Major Skills: | |
sChooseClassMenu4 | implemented | Minor Skills: | |
sCreateClassMenuWarning | reportedly missing in unpatched Morrowind 1.0 | not started | Reselect your class? |
sClassChoiceMenu1 | implemented | Answer his questions (Generates Class) | |
sClassChoiceMenu2 | implemented | Give him the info (Pick from Class List) | |
sClassChoiceMenu3 | implemented | Fill out forms yourself (Create Custom Class) | |
sNotifyMessage1 | implemented | You can only rest on solid ground. | |
sNotifyMessage2 | implemented | You can't rest here enemies are nearby. | |
sNotifyMessage3 | not started | You cannot sleep when dreaming. | |
sNotifyMessage4 | implemented | Saving... | |
sNotifyMessage4XBOX | removed | Saving. Please don't turn off your Xbox console. | |
sNotifyMessage5 | removed | You must place the object you are holding into a container before exiting menus. | |
sNotifyMessage6 | removed | Only one of each ingredient can be used to make a potion. | |
sNotifyMessage6a | implemented | At least two ingredients are needed to make a potion. | |
sNotifyMessage7 | removed | Only four ingredients can be used in a potion. | |
sNotifyMessage8 | implemented | Your potion failed. | |
sNotifyMessage9 | implemented | Your offer is refused. | |
sNotifyMessage10 | implemented | You have to name the spell before buying it. | |
sNotifyMessage11 | implemented | You have to have an item to enchant. | |
sNotifyMessage12 | not started | You don't have enough gold to buy this spell. | |
sNotifyMessage13 | implemented | Beast races cannot wear full helmets. | |
sNotifyMessage14 | implemented | Beast races cannot wear boots. | |
sNotifyMessage15 | implemented | Beast races cannot wear shoes. | |
sNotifyMessage16 | not started | You can only wear one clothing item at a time. | |
sNotifyMessage16_a | not started | You can only equip one item of that type at a time. | |
sNotifyMessage17 | implemented | You cannot train a skill above its governing attribute. | |
sNotifyMessage18 | implemented | You don't have enough gold to buy this spell. | |
sNotifyMessage19 | removed | Only one apparatus can be placed in each slot of the alchemy menu. | |
sNotifyMessage20 | removed | Please remove the object already in the mortar and pestle slot. | |
sNotifyMessage21 | removed | Please remove the object already in the alembic slot. | |
sNotifyMessage22 | removed | Please remove the object already in the calcinator slot. | |
sNotifyMessage23 | removed | Please remove the object already in the retort slot. | |
sNotifyMessage24 | not started | You need to assign all the major and minor skill slots. | |
sNotifyMessage25 | not started | You need to pick two favorite attributes. | |
sNotifyMessage26 | not started | You need to pick a specialization. | |
sNotifyMessage27 | not started | You need to assign all the major and minor skill slots. | |
sNotifyMessage28 | implemented | You can only add eight effects to a spell. | |
sNotifyMessage29 | implemented | You cannot add more enchantment to an object then it can hold. | |
sNotifyMessage30 | implemented | You have to add at least one effect to a spell. | |
sNotifyMessage31 | removed | Items already enchanted cannot have another enchantment added. | |
sNotifyMessage32 | implemented | Only soul gems with a soul can be put in the soul gem slot. | |
sNotifyMessage33 | removed | Only soul gems put in the soul gem slot. | |
sNotifyMessage34 | implemented | The enchantment failed and your gem is destroyed. | |
sNotifyMessage35 | removed | Only one apparatus item can be equipped at a time. | |
sNotifyMessage36 | implemented | You have to distribute all you points before exiting. | |
sNotifyMessage37 | implemented | You need to type in your name. | |
sNotifyMessage38 | not started | Skill Increase: | |
sNotifyMessage39 | implemented | Your %s skill increased to %d. | |
sNotifyMessage40 | not started | Skill Maximum Reached. | |
sNotifyMessage41 | not started | Your %s skill has reached the limit of your %s. | |
sNotifyMessage42 | implemented | You have been released after %d day.
A skill has been affected by your time in prison. | |
sNotifyMessage43 | implemented | You have been released after %d days.
Your skills have been affected by your time in prison. | |
sNotifyMessage44 | implemented | Your %s skill decreased to %d. | |
sNotifyMessage45 | implemented | You need a Mortar and Pestle to use | |
sNotifyMessage46 | not started | You need a Alembic to use | |
sNotifyMessage47 | not started | You need a Calcinator to use | |
sNotifyMessage48 | not started | You need a Retort to use | |
sNotifyMessage49 | implemented | That %s is mine. | |
sNotifyMessage50 | implemented | %s has no effect on you. | |
sNotifyMessage51 | implemented | The %s has been used up. | |
sNotifyMessage52 | implemented | You must have a soul gem with a soul to make an Enchanted Item | |
sNotifyMessage53 | not started | Your menu sizes and positions have been saved for exploring mode. | |
sNotifyMessage54 | implemented | Do you want to start a new game and lose your current game? | |
sNotifyMessage55 | removed | Please reconnect the controller and press START to continue. | |
sNotifyMessage56 | removed | There's a problem with the disc you're using. It may be dirty or damaged.
Press A to continue. | |
sNotifyMessage57 | removed | Please press START to begin. | |
sNotifyMessage58 | removed | Your Xbox Hard Disk doesn't have enough free blocks to save games.
Press A to continue without saving or B to free more blocks. | |
sNotifyMessage59 | implemented | You are over-encumbered. | |
sNotifyMessage60 | implemented | %s has been added to your inventory. | |
sNotifyMessage61 | implemented | %d %s has been added to your inventory. | |
sNotifyMessage62 | implemented | %s has been removed from your inventory. | |
sNotifyMessage63 | implemented | %d %s has been removed from your inventory. | |
sNotifyMessage64 | implemented | You can't sleep in someone else's bed! | |
sNotifyMessage65 | implemented | You can't save a game with no name! | |
sNotifyMessage66 | implemented | This will reset all controls to the default settings. Do you wish to continue? | |
sNotifyMessage67 | implemented | This will immediately change your resolution. Do you want to continue? | |
sInPrisonTitle | implemented | Serving time... | |
sInfoRefusal | reportedly missing in unpatched Morrowind 1.0 | not started | Info Refusal |
sAdmireSuccess | reportedly missing in unpatched Morrowind 1.0 | implemented | Admire Success |
sAdmireFail | reportedly missing in unpatched Morrowind 1.0 | implemented | Admire Fail |
sIntimidateSuccess | reportedly missing in unpatched Morrowind 1.0 | implemented | Intimidate Success |
sIntimidateFail | reportedly missing in unpatched Morrowind 1.0 | implemented | Intimidate Fail |
sTauntSuccess | reportedly missing in unpatched Morrowind 1.0 | implemented | Taunt Success |
sTauntFail | reportedly missing in unpatched Morrowind 1.0 | implemented | Taunt Fail |
sServiceRefusal | reportedly missing in unpatched Morrowind 1.0 | implemented | Service Refusal |
sBribeSuccess | reportedly missing in unpatched Morrowind 1.0 | implemented | Bribe Success |
sBribeFail | reportedly missing in unpatched Morrowind 1.0 | implemented | Bribe Fail |
sBookSkillMessage | implemented | You have gained knowledge from this book. | |
sLoadingMessage1 | not started | Loading Master/Plugin Files | |
sLoadingMessage2 | implemented | Loading Interior | |
sLoadingMessage3 | implemented | Loading Exterior | |
sLoadingMessage4 | not started | Initializing Data... | |
sLoadingMessage5 | reportedly missing in unpatched Morrowind 1.0 | not started | Parsing Quests... |
sLoadingMessage9 | not started | Clearing Data... | |
sLoadingMessage14 | implemented | Loading Save Game | |
sLoadingMessage15 | not started | Loading (%s) | |
sInvalidSaveGameMsg | not started | This file is an invalid Save Game. | |
sInvalidSaveGameMsgXBOX | removed | Unable to load saved game. Press A to continue. | |
sLoadingErrorsMsg | not started | Errors were encountered loading from file '%s'. | |
sMissingMastersMsg | implemented | The currently selected master files and plugins do not match the ones used by this save game. Errors may occur during load or game play.
Do you wish to continue? | |
sChangedMastersMsg | not started | The selected master files and plugins may have changed since this save game was created. Errors may occur during load or game play.
Do you wish to continue? | |
sMastPlugMismatchMsg | not started | One of the files that "%s" is dependent on has changed since the last save.
This may result in errors. Saving again will clear this message but not necessarily fix any errors. | |
sGeneralMastPlugMismatchMsg | reportedly missing in unpatched Morrowind 1.0 | not started | One or more plugins could not find the correct versions of the master files they depend on. Errors may occur during load or game play. Check the "Warnings.txt" file for more information. |
sLoadLastSaveMsg | implemented | The most recent Save Game is '%s'.
Would you like to load it? | |
sMessage1 | implemented | Do you want to Load a save game and lose your current game? | |
sMessage2 | implemented | Quit Morrowind? | |
sMessage3 | implemented | Are you sure you want to delete this Save Game? | |
sMessage4 | implemented | Are you sure you want to overwrite this Save Game? | |
sMessage5 | not started | Do you wish to quit your current game?
All unsaved progress will be lost. | |
sMessageQuestionAnswer1 | implemented | Your personality and past reflect a: | |
sMessageQuestionAnswer2 | implemented | Accept this Class | |
sMessageQuestionAnswer3 | implemented | Choose Another Class | |
sBarterDialog1 | implemented | You cannot afford this transaction. | |
sBarterDialog2 | implemented | I cannot afford this transaction. | |
sBarterDialog3 | removed | This is to heavy for you to carry. | |
sBarterDialog4 | implemented | I don't buy that item. | |
sBarterDialog5 | implemented | Thank you, Please Come Again. | |
sBarterDialog6 | removed | You need to place the bartered item before existing Barter Menu! | |
sBarterDialog7 | implemented | Price | |
sBarterDialog8 | implemented | Offer | |
sBarterDialog9 | implemented | You cannot sell summoned items! | |
sBarterDialog10 | removed | You cannot buy summoned items! | |
sBarterDialog11 | implemented | You need to trade items before making an offer. | |
sBarterDialog12 | implemented | You cannot drop summoned items! | |
sInventoryMessage1 | implemented | This object is broken and cannot be equipped until fixed. | |
sInventoryMessage2 | implemented | You cannot repair items during battle. | |
sInventoryMessage3 | implemented | You cannot make potions during battle. | |
sInventoryMessage4 | implemented | You cannot read during battle. | |
sInventoryMessage5 | implemented | You cannot use soul gems during battle. | |
sContentsMessage1 | implemented | You cannot remove summoned items from their container. | |
sContentsMessage2 | implemented | You cannot place items in this container. | |
sContentsMessage3 | implemented | The item will not fit. | |
sAttributeListTitle | not started | Attribute List | |
sConsoleTitle | implemented | Console | |
sCreateClassMenu1 | implemented | Class Description | |
sCreateClassMenu2 | removed | Close the Description menu before leaving Class Creation | |
sCreateClassMenu3 | not started | The class needs a description. | |
sCreateClassMenuHelp1 | implemented | You'll get +5 to all skills of your specialization. They'll also be easier to increase. | |
sCreateClassMenuHelp2 | implemented | You'll get +10 to each of your favored attributes. | |
sControlsMenu1 | implemented | Reset Controls | |
sControlsMenu2 | not started | Mouse Sensitivity | |
sControlsMenu3 | implemented | Press a key or push a button to set this command. | |
sControlsMenu4 | not started | Vertical Sensitivity | |
sControlsMenu5 | not started | Horizontal Sensitivity | |
sControlsMenu6 | not started | Push a button to set this command. | |
sGameWithoutLauncherXbox | removed | The game was started without the launcher. Press START to continue. | |
sDialogMenu1 | not started | Final Disposition: | |
sEnchantmentMenu1 | not started | Enchantment Menu | |
sEnchantmentMenu2 | removed | Enchantment Name | |
sEnchantmentMenu3 | implemented | Enchantment | |
sEnchantmentMenu4 | implemented | Point Cost | |
sEnchantmentMenu5 | removed | Buy | |
sEnchantmentMenu6 | implemented | Chance | |
sEnchantmentMenu7 | removed | Please remove the current soul gem before placing a different soul gem. | |
sEnchantmentMenu8 | implemented | You cannot buy a spell that has a zero point cost. | |
sEnchantmentMenu9 | removed | You cannot enchant more then one item of that type at a time. | |
sEnchantmentMenu10 | not started | The cast cost cannot exceed the charge amount put into the time | |
sEnchantmentMenu11 | implemented | You must add at least one effect to an enchantment | |
sEnchantmentMenu12 | implemented | You have successfully created an enchanted item | |
sEnchantmentHelp1 | implemented | Slot for item to enchant. Only weapons, armor, scrolls and clothing that are not already enchanted can be enchanted. | |
sEnchantmentHelp2 | implemented | Slot for the soul gem used to enchant an item. Only soul gems filled with a soul can be used. The soul amount is the total charge placed into the item. | |
sEnchantmentHelp3 | implemented | The first number is the total amount the enchantment would cost to cast. The second number is the total enchantment cost that can be placed on this type of item. | |
sEnchantmentHelp4 | implemented | The amount of charge points needed each time this enchantment is cast. This number is modified by your enchant skill. | |
sEnchantmentHelp5 | implemented | The amount of soul in the soul gem in the soul gem slot | |
sEnchantmentHelp6 | implemented | Amount of gold to buy this enchantment | |
sEnchantmentHelp7 | implemented | Type of cast for the enchantment. | |
sEnchantmentHelp8 | implemented | Name you give the spell. | |
sEnchantmentHelp9 | implemented | Magic effects you know that you can add to an item | |
sEnchantmentHelp10 | implemented | Current effects on the item | |
sInputMenu1 | implemented | Enter | |
sInventoryMenu1 | removed | You cannot equip items being bartered. | |
sLevelUpMenu1 | implemented | You have ascended to Level | |
sLevelUpMenu2 | removed | It's all suddenly obvious to you. You just have to concentrate. All the energy and time you've wasted is a sin, but without the experience you've gained, taking risks, taking responsibility for failure how could you have understood? | |
sLevelUpMenu3 | removed | x2 | |
sLevelUpMenu4 | removed | x3 | |
sLevelUpMsg | implemented | You should rest and meditate on what you've learned. | |
sLevelUp | not started | Level Up | |
sRange | not started | Range | |
sArea | implemented | Area | |
sMagnitude | implemented | Magnitude | |
sDuration | implemented | Duration | |
sDrain | not started | Drain | |
sAbsorb | not started | Absorb | |
sFortify | not started | Fortify | |
sRestore | not started | Restore | |
sDamage | not started | Damage | |
spoint | implemented | pt | |
spoints | implemented | pts | |
spercent | implemented | % | |
sfor | implemented | for | |
ssecond | implemented | sec | |
sseconds | implemented | secs | |
sin | implemented | in | |
sfootarea | implemented | ft | |
sfeet | implemented | ft | |
sXTimes | implemented | x | |
sXTimesINT | implemented | x INT | |
sonword | implemented | on | |
sNone | implemented | None | |
sDone | not started | Done | |
sStartCell | removed | Cavern of the Incarnate | |
sStartError | removed | Cannot start in an empty interior cell! | |
sStartCellError | removed | Starting interior cell "Cavern of the Incarnate" not found! | |
sAdmire | implemented | Admire | |
sIntimidate | implemented | Intimidate | |
sTaunt | implemented | Taunt | |
sBribe 10 Gold | implemented | Bribe 10 Gold | |
sBribe 100 Gold | implemented | Bribe 100 Gold | |
sBribe 1000 Gold | implemented | Bribe 1000 Gold | |
sPersuasionMenuTitle | implemented | Persuasion | |
sFast | implemented | Fast | |
sSlow | implemented | Slow | |
sBestAttack | implemented | Always Use Best Attack | |
sSubtitles | implemented | Subtitles | |
sMouseFlip | implemented | Invert Y Axis | |
sCursorOff | implemented | Crosshair | |
sEnableJoystick | not started | Enable Joystick | |
sXStrafe | not started | X-Axis Movement | |
sStrafe | not started | Strafe | |
sTurn | not started | Turn | |
sMouseWheelUpShort | not started | MWheel Up | |
sMouseWheelDownShort | not started | MWheel Down | |
sMouse | implemented | Mouse | |
sJoystickShort | not started | Joy | |
sJoystickHatShort | not started | JHat | |
sPickUp | not started | Take | |
sItemName | not started | Item Name | |
sNoName | not started | NO NAME GIVEN! | |
sItem | implemented | Item | |
sRaceMenu1 | implemented | Appearance | |
sRaceMenu2 | implemented | Change Sex | |
sRaceMenu3 | implemented | Change Face | |
sRaceMenu4 | implemented | Change Hair | |
sRaceMenu5 | implemented | Race | |
sRaceMenu6 | not started | Race Description | |
sRaceMenu7 | implemented | Specials | |
sRestMenu1 | not started | How many hours? | |
sRestMenu2 | implemented | Hours | |
sRestMenu3 | implemented | REST | |
sRestMenu4 | not started | You can't rest right now. | |
fRestMagicMult | used | implemented | 0.15 |
sSaveMenu1 | not started | New Save Game | |
sServiceRepairTitle | implemented | Repair Service Menu | |
sServiceTravelTitle | implemented | Travel | |
sServiceTrainingTitle | implemented | Training | |
sServiceTrainingWords | implemented | I can teach nothing more about that skill | |
sServiceSpellsTitle | implemented | Spells | |
sSkillsMenu1 | implemented | Choose a Skill | |
sBonusSkillTitle | implemented | Skill Bonus | |
sSpecializationMenu1 | implemented | Choose a Specialization | |
sSpellmakingMenuTitle | implemented | Spellmaking | |
sSpellmakingMenu1 | implemented | Spell Chance | |
sSpellmakingHelp1 | implemented | Name you give the spell. | |
sSpellmakingHelp2 | implemented | Amount of Magika one cast of the spell will cost | |
sSpellmakingHelp3 | implemented | The chance you have to cast the spell at your current skill level | |
sSpellmakingHelp4 | implemented | How much gold the spell will cost you. | |
sSpellmakingHelp5 | implemented | Magic effects you know that you can add to a spell | |
sSpellmakingHelp6 | implemented | Current effects on the spell | |
sKilledEssential | implemented | With this character's death, the thread of prophecy is severed. Restore a saved game to restore the weave of fate, or persist in the doomed world you have created. | |
sCrimeMessage | implemented | Your crime has been reported! | |
sPotionSuccess | implemented | You created a potion | |
sMagicItem | implemented | Magic Items | |
sMagnitudeDes | implemented | The range of a spells power | |
sAreaDes | implemented | The radius the spell attempt to affect | |
sDurationDes | implemented | The length a spell lasts | |
sRangeDes | implemented | What the spell is directed at such as yourself, a target or who you touch | |
sCrimeHelp | implemented | The penalty you must pay for your crimes, if caught. | |
sSoulGem | implemented | Soul | |
sCastCost | implemented | Cast Cost | |
sTravelServiceTitle | implemented | Select destination | |
sSpellServiceTitle | implemented | Select spell to buy | |
sRepairServiceTitle | implemented | Select item to repair | |
sTrainingServiceTitle | implemented | Select skill to train | |
sMortar | removed | Mortar | |
sCalcinator | removed | Calcinator | |
sAlembic | removed | Alembic | |
sRetort | removed | Retort | |
sQuestionMark | not started | ? | |
s3dAudio | not started | 3D Audio | |
s3dHardware | reportedly missing in unpatched Morrowind 1.0 | not started | Hardware Accelerated |
s3dSoftware | reportedly missing in unpatched Morrowind 1.0 | not started | Software Mode |
sYourGold | implemented | YOUR GOLD | |
sSellerGold | implemented | SELLER GOLD | |
sTotalCost | implemented | TOTAL COST | |
sTotalSold | implemented | TOTAL SOLD | |
sOffer | not started | Offer | |
sLess | not started | Less | |
sMore | not started | More | |
sInventory | removed | Inventory | |
sBookPageOne | removed | 1 | |
sBookPageTwo | removed | 2 | |
sDisposeofCorpse | implemented | Dispose of Corpse | |
sCaughtStealingMessage | not started | Hey he's stealing my stuff! | |
sUserDefinedClass | not started | User Defined Class | |
sAsk | not started | Ask | |
sEnchantItems | implemented | Items to Enchant | |
sSoulGemsWithSouls | implemented | Soul Gems with Souls | |
sDoYouWantTo | implemented | Do you want to | |
sRechargeEnchantment | implemented | Recharge Enchanted Item | |
sMake Enchantment | implemented | Make an Enchanted Item | |
sSell | removed | Sell | |
sEquip | removed | Equip | |
sDrop | removed | Drop | |
sContainer | removed | Container | |
sStats | removed | Stats | |
sMap | removed | Map | |
sCenter | not started | Center | |
sSaveMenuHelp01 | not started | th of | |
sSaveMenuHelp02 | not started | month | |
sSaveMenuHelp03 | not started | day | |
sSaveMenuHelp04 | implemented | a.m. | |
sSaveMenuHelp05 | implemented | p.m. | |
sSaveMenuHelp06 | not started | Delete Game? | |
sBlocks | not started | Blocks | |
sFileSize | not started | File Size | |
sSave | not started | Save | |
sDeleteSpell | implemented | Delete Spell | |
sQuestionDeleteSpell | implemented | Are you sure you wish to delete %s? | |
sDeleteSpellError | implemented | You cannot delete this item from the Magic Menu | |
sLocal | implemented | Local | |
sLoadFailedMessage | not started | Your last load failed. You must load another game or start a new game. | |
sShadows | implemented | Shadows | |
sControlerVibration | not started | Controller Vibration | |
sQuanityMenuMessage01 | implemented | Amount to Sell | |
sQuanityMenuMessage02 | implemented | Amount to Buy | |
sSex | not started | Sex | |
sHair | not started | Hair | |
sFace | not started | Face | |
sRepairFailed | implemented | Your repair failed! | |
sRepairSuccess | implemented | Your repair succeeded! | |
sHeal | not started | Heal | |
sgp | implemented | gp | |
sSetValueMessage01 | removed | The maximum magnitude cannot be less then the minimum magnitude! | |
sDelete | implemented | Delete | |
sVideoWarning | removed | Warning: Video Resolution does not allow shadows. | |
sResChangeWarning | removed | Desired resolution not supported by video card. | |
sShift | removed | Shift | |
sBackspace | removed | Backspace | |
sCustomClassName | implemented | Adventurer | |
sSpace | removed | Space | |
sInventorySelectNoItems | not started | You have no items to fill this slot. | |
sInventorySelectNoSoul | implemented | You have no filled Soul Gems | |
sInventorySelectNoIngredients | not started | You have no ingredients | |
sDisposeCorpseFail | implemented | You can not remove this corpse | |
sQuickMenuTitle | implemented | Quick Keys | |
sQuickMenuInstruc | implemented | Click on quick key slot to add a spell, magic item or inventory item | |
sQuickMenu1 | implemented | Item to QuickKey | |
sQuickMenu2 | implemented | Inventory Menu Item | |
sQuickMenu3 | implemented | Magic Menu Item | |
sQuickMenu4 | implemented | Delete QuickKey Item | |
sQuickMenu5 | implemented | You no longer have | |
sQuickMenu6 | implemented | Inventory Items to Quick key | |
sMagicSelectTitle | implemented | Select a magic to Quick key. | |
sNextRank | implemented | Next Rank: | |
sNeedOneSkill | reportedly missing in unpatched Morrowind 1.0 | implemented | Need one skill at |
sNeedTwoSkills | reportedly missing in unpatched Morrowind 1.0 | implemented | Need two skills at |
sand | reportedly missing in unpatched Morrowind 1.0 | implemented | and |
sOneHanded | implemented | One Handed | |
sTwoHanded | implemented | Two Handed | |
sType | implemented | Type: | |
sAt | not started | At | |
sUnequip | not started | Unequip | |
sScrolldown | not started | Scroll Down | |
sScrollup | not started | Scroll Up | |
sSleepInterrupt | implemented | Your rest has been interrupted. | |
sSoultrapSuccess | implemented | Your have trapped a soul | |
sCantEquipWeapWarning | implemented | Finish your current attack before equipping a new weapon | |
sOfferMenuTitle | not started | Offer Menu | |
sPowers | implemented | Powers | |
sBreath | implemented | Breath | |
sDifficulty | reportedly missing in unpatched Morrowind 1.0 | implemented | Difficulty |
sEasy | reportedly missing in unpatched Morrowind 1.0 | implemented | Easy |
sHard | reportedly missing in unpatched Morrowind 1.0 | implemented | Hard |
sAttributeStrength | implemented | Strength | |
sAttributeIntelligence | implemented | Intelligence | |
sAttributeWillpower | implemented | Willpower | |
sAttributeAgility | implemented | Agility | |
sAttributeSpeed | implemented | Speed | |
sAttributeEndurance | implemented | Endurance | |
sAttributePersonality | implemented | Personality | |
sAttributeLuck | implemented | Luck | |
sHealth | implemented | Health | |
sRace | implemented | Race | |
sLevel | implemented | Level | |
sLevels | implemented | Levels | |
sFaction | implemented | Faction | |
sBirthSign | implemented | Sign | |
sBounty | implemented | Bounty | |
sReputation | implemented | Reputation | |
sSchool | implemented | School | |
sSkill | not started | Skill | |
sSkillProgress | implemented | Progress towards skill increase | |
sSkillMaxReached | implemented | Maximum proficiency has been reached. | |
sLevelProgress | implemented | Progress towards level increase | |
sMagic | implemented | Magicka | |
sMagicMenu | removed | Magic | |
sFatigue | implemented | Fatigue | |
sSkillsMenuReputationHelp | implemented | Your fame rating in the world of Morrowind. | |
sStrDesc | implemented | Affects your starting Health, how much you can carry, your maximum Fatigue, and how much damage you do in melee. | |
sIntDesc | implemented | Determines your maximum amount of Magicka. | |
sWilDesc | implemented | Affects your ability to resist magic, and your maximum Fatigue. | |
sAgiDesc | implemented | Affects your ability to dodge and hit targets in melee as well as your maximum Fatigue. | |
sSpdDesc | implemented | Determines how fast you can move. | |
sEndDesc | implemented | Affects your starting Health, your Health gain per level, and your maximum Fatigue. | |
sPerDesc | implemented | Affects your ability to deal with other characters and how much they like you. | |
sLucDesc | implemented | Affects every action you do in a small way. | |
sFatDesc | implemented | How tired you are. Low fatigue makes it harder to successfully perform actions. | |
sHealthDesc | implemented | The amount of damage you can take before you die. Increases every time you gain a level. | |
sMagDesc | implemented | Used to cast spells. Magicka is naturally restored by resting. | |
fWortChanceValue | used | implemented | 15 |
sDefaultCellname | implemented | Wilderness | |
fMinWalkSpeed | used | implemented | 100 |
fMaxWalkSpeed | used | implemented | 200 |
fMinWalkSpeedCreature | used | implemented | 5 |
fMaxWalkSpeedCreature | used | implemented | 300 |
fEncumberedMoveEffect | used | implemented | 0.3 |
fBaseRunMultiplier | used | implemented | 1.75 |
fAthleticsRunBonus | used | implemented | 1 |
fJumpAcrobaticsBase | used | implemented | 128 |
fJumpAcroMultiplier | used | implemented | 4 |
fJumpEncumbranceBase | used | implemented | 0.5 |
fJumpEncumbranceMultiplier | used | implemented | 1 |
fJumpRunMultiplier | used | implemented | 1 |
fJumpMoveBase | used | implemented | 0.5 |
fJumpMoveMult | used | implemented | 0.5 |
fSwimWalkBase | unused | not started | 0.5 |
fSwimRunBase | used | implemented | 0.5 |
fSwimWalkAthleticsMult | unused | not started | 0.02 |
fSwimRunAthleticsMult | used | implemented | 0.1 |
fSwimHeightScale | used; un-researched | implemented | 0.9 |
fHoldBreathTime | used; numerous use cases | implemented | 20 |
fHoldBreathEndMult | unused | not started | 0.5 |
fSuffocationDamage | used | implemented | 3 |
fMinFlySpeed | used | implemented | 5 |
fMaxFlySpeed | used | implemented | 300 |
fStromWindSpeed | used; un-researched | implemented | 0.7 |
fStromWalkMult | used; un-researched | implemented | 0.25 |
fFallDamageDistanceMin | used | implemented | 400 |
fFallDistanceBase | used | implemented | 0 |
fFallDistanceMult | used | implemented | 0.07 |
fFallAcroBase | used | implemented | 0.25 |
fFallAcroMult | used | implemented | 0.01 |
iMaxActivateDist | used with all raycasts for player actions | implemented | 192 |
iMaxInfoDist | used; maximum distance for entity info popup | not started | 192 |
fVanityDelay | used; camera controller | implemented | 30 |
fMaxHeadTrackDistance | used; actor controller | implemented | 400 |
fInteriorHeadTrackMult | used; actor controller | implemented | 0.5 |
iHelmWeight | used | implemented | 5 |
iPauldronWeight | used | implemented | 10 |
iCuirassWeight | used | implemented | 30 |
iGauntletWeight | used | implemented | 5 |
iGreavesWeight | used | implemented | 15 |
iBootsWeight | used | implemented | 20 |
iShieldWeight | used | implemented | 15 |
fLightMaxMod | used | implemented | 0.6 |
fMedMaxMod | used | implemented | 0.9 |
fUnarmoredBase1 | used | implemented | 0.1 |
fUnarmoredBase2 | used | implemented | 0.065 |
iBaseArmorSkill | used | implemented | 30 |
fBlockStillBonus | unused; resolution possible | implemented | 1.25 |
fDamageStrengthBase | unused, resolution possible | implemented | 0.5 |
fDamageStrengthMult | unused, resolution possible | implemented | 0.1 |
fSwingBlockBase | used | implemented | 1 |
fSwingBlockMult | used | implemented | 1 |
fFatigueBase | used; used in calculating fatigueTerm | implemented | 1.25 |
fFatigueMult | used; used in calculating fatigueTerm | implemented | 0.5 |
fFatigueReturnBase | used | implemented | 2.5 |
fFatigueReturnMult | used | implemented | 0.02 |
fEndFatigueMult | used | implemented | 0.04 |
fFatigueAttackBase | used; un-researched | implemented | 2 |
fFatigueAttackMult | used; un-researched | implemented | 0 |
fWeaponFatigueMult | used; un-researched | implemented | 0.25 |
fFatigueBlockBase | used; un-researched | implemented | 4 |
fFatigueBlockMult | used; un-researched | implemented | 0 |
fWeaponFatigueBlockMult | used; un-researched | implemented | 1 |
fFatigueRunBase | used; un-researched | implemented | 5 |
fFatigueRunMult | used; un-researched | implemented | 2 |
fFatigueJumpBase | used; un-researched | implemented | 5 |
fFatigueJumpMult | used; un-researched | implemented | 0 |
fFatigueSwimWalkBase | used; un-researched | implemented | 2.5 |
fFatigueSwimRunBase | used; un-researched | implemented | 7 |
fFatigueSwimWalkMult | used; un-researched | implemented | 0 |
fFatigueSwimRunMult | used; un-researched | implemented | 0 |
fFatigueSneakBase | used; un-researched | implemented | 1.5 |
fFatigueSneakMult | used; un-researched | implemented | 1.5 |
fMinHandToHandMult | used | implemented | 0.1 |
fMaxHandToHandMult | used | implemented | 0.5 |
fHandtoHandHealthPer | used | implemented | 0.1 |
fCombatInvisoMult | used | implemented | 0.2 |
fCombatKODamageMult | used | implemented | 1.5 |
fCombatCriticalStrikeMult | used | implemented | 4 |
iBlockMinChance | used | implemented | 10 |
iBlockMaxChance | used | implemented | 50 |
fLevelUpHealthEndMult | used | implemented | 0.1 |
fSoulGemMult | used; un-researched | implemented | 3 |
fEffectCostMult | used; numerous use cases | implemented | 0.5 |
fSpellPriceMult | unused | not started | 2 |
fFatigueSpellBase | used | implemented | 0 |
fFatigueSpellMult | used | implemented | 0 |
fFatigueSpellCostMult | unused | removed | 0 |
fPotionStrengthMult | used | implemented | 0.5 |
fPotionT1MagMult | used | implemented | 1.5 |
fPotionT1DurMult | used | implemented | 0.5 |
fPotionMinUsefulDuration | unused | not started | 20 |
fPotionT4BaseStrengthMult | unused | not started | 20 |
fPotionT4EquipStrengthMult | unused | not started | 12 |
fIngredientMult | unused | not started | 1 |
fMagicItemCostMult | not started | 1 | |
fMagicItemPriceMult | not started | 1 | |
fMagicItemOnceMult | unused, resolution possible | not started | 1 |
fMagicItemUsedMult | not started | 1 | |
fMagicItemStrikeMult | not started | 1 | |
fMagicItemConstantMult | not started | 1 | |
fEnchantmentMult | used; un-researched | implemented | 0.1 |
fEnchantmentChanceMult | used | implemented | 3 |
fPCbaseMagickaMult | used | implemented | 1 |
fNPCbaseMagickaMult | used | implemented | 2 |
fAutoSpellChance | used | implemented | 80 |
fAutoPCSpellChance | used | implemented | 50 |
iAutoSpellTimesCanCast | used | implemented | 3 |
iAutoSpellAttSkillMin | used | implemented | 70 |
iAutoSpellAlterationMax | used | implemented | 5 |
iAutoSpellConjurationMax | used | implemented | 2 |
iAutoSpellDestructionMax | used | implemented | 5 |
iAutoSpellIllusionMax | used | implemented | 5 |
iAutoSpellMysticismMax | used | implemented | 5 |
iAutoSpellRestorationMax | used | implemented | 5 |
iAutoPCSpellMax | used | implemented | 100 |
iAutoRepFacMod | used | implemented | 2 |
iAutoRepLevMod | used | implemented | 0 |
iMagicItemChargeOnce | used; un-researched | not started | 1 |
iMagicItemChargeConst | used; un-researched | not started | 10 |
iMagicItemChargeUse | used; un-researched | not started | 5 |
iMagicItemChargeStrike | used; un-researched | not started | 10 |
iMonthsToRespawn | used | implemented | 4 |
fCorpseClearDelay | used; un-researched | implemented | 72 |
fCorpseRespawnDelay | used; un-researched | implemented | 72 |
fBarterGoldResetDelay | used; un-researched | implemented | 24 |
fEncumbranceStrMult | used | implemented | 5 |
fPickLockMult | used | implemented | -1 |
fTrapCostMult | used | implemented | 0 |
fMessageTimePerChar | used; pop-up message UI | implemented | 0.1 |
fMagicItemRechargePerSecond | used | implemented | 0.05 |
i1stPersonSneakDelta | used; camera height difference while sneaking | implemented | 10 |
iBarterSuccessDisposition | used | implemented | 1 |
iBarterFailDisposition | used | implemented | -1 |
iLevelupTotal | used | implemented | 10 |
iLevelupMajorMult | used | implemented | 1 |
iLevelupMinorMult | used | implemented | 1 |
iLevelupMajorMultAttribute | used | implemented | 1 |
iLevelupMinorMultAttribute | used | implemented | 1 |
iLevelupMiscMultAttriubte | used | implemented | 1 |
iLevelupSpecialization | used; may not have any gameplay effect | implemented | 1 |
iLevelUp01Mult | used | implemented | 2 |
iLevelUp02Mult | used | implemented | 2 |
iLevelUp03Mult | used | implemented | 2 |
iLevelUp04Mult | used | implemented | 2 |
iLevelUp05Mult | used | implemented | 3 |
iLevelUp06Mult | used | implemented | 3 |
iLevelUp07Mult | used | implemented | 3 |
iLevelUp08Mult | used | implemented | 4 |
iLevelUp09Mult | used | implemented | 4 |
iLevelUp10Mult | used | implemented | 5 |
iSoulAmountForConstantEffect | used, un-researched | implemented | 400 |
fConstantEffectMult | unused | not started | 15 |
fEnchantmentConstantDurationMult | used | implemented | 100 |
fEnchantmentConstantChanceMult | used | implemented | 0.5 |
fWeaponDamageMult | used | implemented | 0.1 |
fSeriousWoundMult | unused | not started | 0 |
fKnockDownMult | used | implemented | 0.5 |
iKnockDownOddsBase | used | implemented | 50 |
iKnockDownOddsMult | used | implemented | 50 |
fCombatArmorMinMult | used | implemented | 0.25 |
fHandToHandReach | used; combat system | implemented | 1 |
fVoiceIdleOdds | used; un-researched | implemented | 10 |
iVoiceAttackOdds | used; un-researched | Implemented | 10 |
iVoiceHitOdds | used; un-researched | Implemented | 30 |
fProjectileMinSpeed | used; un-researched | Implemented | 400 |
fProjectileMaxSpeed | used; un-researched | Implemented | 3000 |
fThrownWeaponMinSpeed | used; un-researched | Implemented | 300 |
fThrownWeaponMaxSpeed | used; un-researched | Implemented | 1000 |
fTargetSpellMaxSpeed | used; un-researched | implemented | 1000 |
fProjectileThrownStoreChance | used; % chance of recovery | Implemented | 25 |
iPickMinChance | used | implemented | 5 |
iPickMaxChance | used | implemented | 75 |
fDispRaceMod | used | implemented | 5 |
fDispPersonalityMult | used | implemented | 0.5 |
fDispPersonalityBase | used | implemented | 50 |
fDispFactionMod | used | implemented | 3 |
fDispFactionRankBase | used | implemented | 1 |
fDispFactionRankMult | used | implemented | 0.5 |
fDispCrimeMod | used | implemented | 0 |
fDispDiseaseMod | used | implemented | -10 |
iDispAttackMod | used | implemented | -50 |
fDispWeaponDrawn | used | implemented | -5 |
fDispBargainSuccessMod | unused | not started | 1 |
fDispBargainFailMod | unused | not started | -1 |
fDispPickPocketMod | used | implemented | -25 |
iDaysinPrisonMod | used; un-researched | implemented | 100 |
fDispAttacking | used | implemented | -10 |
fDispStealing | used | implemented | -0.5 |
iDispTresspass | used | implemented | -20 |
iDispKilling | used | Implemented | -50 |
iTrainingMod | used | implemented | 10 |
iAlchemyMod | used | implemented | 2 |
fBargainOfferBase | used | implemented | 50 |
fBargainOfferMulti | used | implemented | -4 |
fDispositionMod | used | implemented | 1 |
fPersonalityMod | used | implemented | 5 |
fLuckMod | used | implemented | 10 |
fReputationMod | used | implemented | 1 |
fLevelMod | used | implemented | 5 |
fBribe10Mod | used | implemented | 35 |
fBribe100Mod | used | implemented | 75 |
fBribe1000Mod | used | implemented | 150 |
fPerDieRollMult | used | implemented | 0.3 |
fPerTempMult | used | implemented | 1 |
iPerMinChance | used | implemented | 5 |
iPerMinChange | used | implemented | 10 |
fSpecialSkillBonus | used | implemented | 0.8 |
fMajorSkillBonus | used | implemented | 0.75 |
fMinorSkillBonus | used | implemented | 1 |
fMiscSkillBonus | used | implemented | 1.25 |
iAlarmKilling | unused | not started | 90 |
iAlarmAttack | unused | not started | 50 |
iAlarmStealing | unused | not started | 1 |
iAlarmPickPocket | unused | not started | 20 |
iAlarmTresspass | unused | not started | 5 |
fAlarmRadius | used; AI controller | implemented | 2000 |
iCrimeKilling | used | implemented | 1000 |
iCrimeAttack | used | implemented | 40 |
fCrimeStealing | used | implemented | 1 |
iCrimePickPocket | used | implemented | 25 |
iCrimeTresspass | used | implemented | 5 |
iCrimeThreshold | used | implemented | 1000 |
iCrimeThresholdMultiplier | used | implemented | 10 |
fCrimeGoldDiscountMult | used | implemented | 0.5 |
fCrimeGoldTurnInMult | used | implemented | 0.9 |
iFightAttack | used | implemented | 100 |
iFightAttacking | used | implemented | 50 |
iFightDistanceBase | used | implemented | 20 |
fFightDistanceMultiplier | use 1, use 2 | implemented | 0.005 |
iFightAlarmMult | unused | not started | 1 |
fFightDispMult | used | implemented | 0.2 |
fFightStealing | used | implemented | 50 |
iFightPickpocket | used | implemented | 25 |
iFightTrespass | used | implemented | 25 |
iFightKilling | used | implemented | 50 |
iFlee | unused | not started | 0 |
iGreetDistanceMultiplier | used | implemented | 6 |
iGreetDuration | used; AI dialog system | not started | 4 |
fGreetDistanceReset | used; NPC controller | not started | 512 |
fIdleChanceMultiplier | used; multiplies AIWander idle parameters | implemented | 0.75 |
fSneakUseDist | used; un-researched | implemented | 500 |
fSneakUseDelay | used; un-researched | implemented | 1 |
fSneakDistanceBase | used | implemented | 0.5 |
fSneakDistanceMultiplier | used | implemented | 0.002 |
fSneakSpeedMultiplier | used | implemented | 0.75 |
fSneakViewMult | used | implemented | 1.5 |
fSneakNoViewMult | used | implemented | 0.5 |
fSneakSkillMult | used | implemented | 1 |
fSneakBootMult | used | implemented | -1 |
fCombatDistance | used; un-researched | implemented | 128 |
fCombatAngleXY | used; un-researched | implemented | 60 |
fCombatAngleZ | used; un-researched | implemented | 60 |
fCombatForceSideAngle | unused | not started | 30 |
fCombatTorsoSideAngle | unused | not started | 45 |
fCombatTorsoStartPercent | unused | not started | 0.3 |
fCombatTorsoStopPercent | unused | not started | 0.8 |
fCombatBlockLeftAngle | used | implemented | -90 |
fCombatBlockRightAngle | used | implemented | 30 |
fCombatDelayCreature | used | implemented | 0.1 |
fCombatDelayNPC | used | implemented | 0.1 |
sTargetCriticalStrike | implemented | Critical Damage! | |
fAIMeleeWeaponMult | used | implemented | 2 |
fAIRangeMeleeWeaponMult | used | implemented | 5 |
fAIMagicSpellMult | used | implemented | 3 |
fAIRangeMagicSpellMult | used | implemented | 5 |
fAIMeleeArmorMult | used | implemented | 1 |
fAIMeleeSummWeaponMult | unused | not started | 1 |
fAIFleeHealthMult | used | implemented | 7 |
fAIFleeFleeMult | used | implemented | 0.3 |
fPickPocketMod | used | implemented | 0.3 |
fSleepRandMod | used | implemented | 0.25 |
fSleepRestMod | used | implemented | 0.3 |
iNumberCreatures | used | implemented | 1 |
fAudioDefaultMinDistance | used; un-researched | implemented | 5 |
fAudioDefaultMaxDistance | used; un-researched | implemented | 40 |
fAudioVoiceDefaultMinDistance | used; un-researched | implemented | 10 |
fAudioVoiceDefaultMaxDistance | used; un-researched | implemented | 60 |
fAudioMinDistanceMult | used; un-researched | implemented | 20 |
fAudioMaxDistanceMult | used; un-researched | implemented | 50 |
fNPCHealthBarTime | used; target health UI. reportedly missing in unpatched Morrowind 1.0 | implemented | 3 |
fNPCHealthBarFade | used; target health UI. reportedly missing in unpatched Morrowind 1.0 | implemented | 0.5 |
fDifficultyMult | used. reportedly missing in unpatched Morrowind 1.0 | implemented | 5 |
sSchoolAlteration | implemented | Alteration | |
sSchoolConjuration | implemented | Conjuration | |
sSchoolDestruction | implemented | Destruction | |
sSchoolIllusion | implemented | Illusion | |
sSchoolMysticism | implemented | Mysticism | |
sSchoolRestoration | implemented | Restoration | |
sTypeSpell | not started | Spells | |
sTypeAbility | not started | Abilities | |
sTypeBlightDisease | not started | Blight Disease | |
sTypeDisease | not started | Disease | |
sTypeCurse | not started | Curse | |
sTypePower | not started | Powers | |
sItemCastOnce | implemented | Cast Once | |
sItemCastWhenStrikes | implemented | Cast When Strikes | |
sItemCastWhenUsed | implemented | Cast When Used | |
sItemCastConstant | implemented | Constant Effect | |
sRangeSelf | implemented | Self | |
sRangeTouch | implemented | Touch | |
sRangeTarget | implemented | Target | |
sMagicSkillFail | implemented | You failed casting the spell. | |
sMagicInsufficientSP | implemented | You do not have enough Magicka to cast the spell. | |
sMagicInsufficientCharge | implemented | Item does not have enough charge. | |
sPowerAlreadyUsed | implemented | You already used that power today. | |
sMagicInvalidTarget | implemented | Your spell did not get a target. | |
sMagicLockSuccess | implemented | Your spell has locked its target. | |
sMagicOpenSuccess | implemented | Your spell has unlocked its target. | |
sMagicTargetResistsWeapons | implemented | Your weapon has no effect. | |
sMagicContractDisease | implemented | You have contracted %s | |
fMagicDetectRefreshRate | used; detect spells | not started | 0.016667 |
fMagicStartIconBlink | used; spell effect UI elements | implemented | 3 |
fMagicCreatureCastDelay | unused | not started | 1.5 |
fDiseaseXferChance | used | implemented | 2.5 |
fElementalShieldMult | used | implemented | 0.1 |
sMagicCorprusWorsens | implemented | Your case of Corprus has worsened. | |
sMagicCannotRecast | implemented | You cannot re-cast this spell while it is still in effect. | |
fMagicSunBlockedMult | used | implemented | 0.5 |
sMagicPCResisted | implemented | You resisted magic. | |
sMagicTargetResisted | implemented | Target resisted magic. | |
sMagicInvalidEffect | implemented | You cannot cast this effect right now. | |
sAcrobat | removed | Acrobat | |
sAgent | removed | Agent | |
sArcher | removed | Archer | |
sAssassin | removed | Assassin | |
sBarbarian | removed | Barbarian | |
sBard | removed | Bard | |
sBattlemage | removed | Battlemage | |
sCrusader | removed | Crusader | |
sCustom | removed | Custom | |
sHealer | removed | Healer | |
sKnight | removed | Knight | |
sMage | removed | Mage | |
sMonk | removed | Monk | |
sNightblade | removed | Nightblade | |
sPilgrim | removed | Pilgrim | |
sRogue | removed | Rogue | |
sScout | removed | Scout | |
sSorceror | removed | Sorcerer | |
sSpellsword | removed | Spellsword | |
sThief | removed | Thief | |
sWarrior | removed | Warrior | |
sWitchhunter | removed | Witchhunter | |
fFleeDistance | used; AI controller. reportedly missing in unpatched Morrowind 1.0 | implemented | 3000 |
fCombatDistanceWerewolfMod | used; un-researched | implemented | 0.3 |
iWereWolfBounty | used | implemented | 10000 |
fWereWolfSilverWeaponDamageMult | used | implemented | 1.5 |
fWereWolfRunMult | used | implemented | 1.5 |
sProfitValue | implemented | Profit: | |
sCompanionShare | implemented | Share | |
sCompanionWarningMessage | implemented | Your mercenary is poorer now than when he contracted with you. Your mercenary will quit if you do not give him gold or goods to bring his Profit to a positive value. | |
sCompanionWarningButtonOne | implemented | Let the mercenary quit. | |
sCompanionWarningButtonTwo | implemented | Return to Companion Share display. | |
sDeleteNote | implemented | Delete Note? | |
sEditNote | implemented | Edit Note | |
sWerewolfRefusal | implemented | You cannot do this as a werewolf. | |
sWerewolfPopup | implemented | Werewolf | |
sWerewolfRestMessage | implemented | You cannot rest in werewolf form. | |
sWerewolfAlarmMessage | implemented | You have been detected changing from a werewolf state. | |
sTeleportDisabled | implemented | Teleportation magic does not work here. | |
sLevitateDisabled | implemented | Levitation magic does not work here. | |
iWereWolfLevelToAttack | used, un-researched | implemented | 20 |
iWereWolfFightMod | used | implemented | 100 |
iWereWolfFleeMod | used, un-researched | implemented | 100 |