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Revision as of 06:35, 14 January 2014 by Scrawl (talk | contribs) (→‎Movement: Added comment sent by Hrnchamd via a PM)
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Actions affected Movement
Description Describes movement speed.
Implementation status
Analysis status Feeds into animation system; werewolf mechanics not verified; requires testing in combination with physics system
if actor is a npc:
    walkSpeed = fMinWalkSpeed + 0.01 * speedAttribute * (fMaxWalkSpeed - fMinWalkSpeed)
    walkSpeed *= 1 - fEncumberedMoveEffect * normalizedEncumbrance
    walkSpeed = max(0, walkSpeed)
    if sneaking: walkSpeed *= fSneakSpeedMultiplier
elif actor is a creature:
    walkSpeed = fMinWalkSpeedCreature + 0.01 * speedAttribute * (fMaxWalkSpeedCreature - fMinWalkSpeedCreature)

runSpeed = walkSpeed * (0.01 * athleticsSkill * fAthleticsRunBonus + fBaseRunMultiplier)

if encumbrance > maxEncumbrance:
    moveSpeed = 0
elif flying or levitating:
    flySpeed = 0.01 * (speedAttribute + levitationBonus)
    flySpeed = fMinFlySpeed + flySpeed * (fMaxFlySpeed - fMinFlySpeed)
    flySpeed *= 1 - fEncumberedMoveEffect * normalizedEncumbrance
    flySpeed = max(0, flySpeed)
    moveSpeed = flySpeed
elif swimming:
    if running:
        swimSpeed = runSpeed
    elif walking:
        swimSpeed = walkSpeed
    swimSpeed *= 1 + 0.01 * swiftSwimBonus
    swimSpeed *= 0.01 * athleticsSkill * fSwimRunAthleticsMult + fSwimRunBase
    moveSpeed = swimSpeed
elif running:
    moveSpeed = runSpeed
elif walking or sneaking:
    moveSpeed = walkSpeed
    moveSpeed = 0

if strafing (not including diagonally): moveSpeed *= 0.75
if actor is a werewolf and running: moveSpeed *= fWereWolfRunMult

moveSpeed is passed to animation system.

Creatures have generalized combat, magic and stealth stats which substitute for the specific skills (in the same way as specializations).


Actions affected On jumping and landing
Description Uses common term fatigueTerm.
Implementation status implemented
Analysis status Initial velocity verified; requires testing in combination with physics system

On jumping

encumbranceTerm = fJumpEncumbranceBase + fJumpEncumbranceMultiplier * (1 - normalizedEncumbrance)
where normalizedEncumbrance is a function of encumbrance. empty bar -> 0.0, full bar -> 1.0

if acrobaticsSkill <= 50:
    a = acrobaticsSkill, b = 0
    a = 50, b = acrobaticsSkill - 50

x = fJumpAcrobaticsBase + pow(a / 15.0, fJumpAcroMultiplier)
x += 3 * b * fJumpAcroMultiplier
x += jumpSpellBonus * 64
x *= encumbranceTerm
if actor is running: x *= fJumpRunMultiplier
x *= fatigueTerm
x -= gravityAcceleration [constant; -627.2 exactly]
x /= 3

if actor is standing still:
    set kinematic velocity to {0, 0, x}

if actor is moving:
    groundVelocity = normalize({actorVelocity.x, actorVelocity.y})
    set kinematic velocity to 0.707 * x * {groundVelocity.x, groundVelocity.y, 1.0}

decrease fatigue by fFatigueJumpBase + (1 - normalizedEncumbrance) * fFatigueJumpMult

On landing

fallingDist = distance from peak height

if fallingDist <= fFallDamageDistanceMin: soft landing; skip the rest of the function

x = fallingDist - fFallDamageDistanceMin
x -= 1.5 * acrobaticsSkill + jumpSpellBonus
x = max(0, x)

a = fFallAcroBase + fFallAcroMult * (100 - acrobaticsSkill)
x = fFallDistanceBase + fFallDistanceMult * x
x *= a

if x > 0: damage health by x * (1 - 0.25 * fatigueTerm)

if acrobaticsSkill * fatigueTerm < x: actor falls over

if actor is not incapacitated: acrobatics skill exercised (skill gain from fall damage)


Note that initial actor velocity is taken into account. Animation-driven kinematics mean the jump direction can be offset from the player facing if there is root bone movement. Agility does not appear to be involved in this calculation.