Research:NPC AI Behaviour

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General behaviour

Decision scan

Actions affected AI decision check, every 5.0 seconds
Description The main point for actor behaviour selection
Implementation status
Analysis status Early, incomplete research

Weight functions

actionGreetWeighting :: (npc, actor) -> weight
if npc is creature: return 0
if actor is not player: return 0
if player is incapacitated: return 0
if player is invisible or player.chameleon >= 75: return 0
if npc.hello == 0: return 0
if npc.currentAIPackage not in { AIWander, AITravel, AIPursue }: return 0

x = iGreetDistanceMultiplier * npc.hello
dist = distance(npc, actor)
if npc has already greeted and dist > 2 * x:
    npc resets greeting flag = none
elif npc has not greeted and dist < x: = actor
    return 100
    return 0

actionCrimeWeighting :: (npc, actor) -> weight
if npc is creature: return 0
if npc is incapacitated: return 0
if npc.alarm == 0: return 0
if not npc.isGuard: return 0
if actor is not player: return 0
if player is incapacitated: return 0
if player is invisible or player.chameleon >= 75: return 0
if player is resisting arrest: return 0
if bounty < iCrimeThreshold: return 0

weight = npc.alarm + 0.1 * bounty
if weight < 100: return 0
return weight

actionFightWeighting :: (npc, actor) -> weight
if actor is in combat with an npc's escort: return 100
if actor is in combat with an actor escorted by npc: return 100

fightTerm = npc.fight
if actor.isWerewolf or (actor is player and player.isKnownWerewolf): fightTerm += iWerewolfFightMod
dist = distance(npc, actor)     # ignores vertical distance if actor is flying or swimming

weight = iFightDistanceBase - fFightDistanceMultiplier * distance + fFightDispMult * (50 - disp)
if weight < 100: return 0
return weight

actionLookAtWeighting :: (npc, actor) -> weight
if actor is incapacitated: return 0
if actor is invisible or player.chameleon >= 75: return 0
if npc current AI package prevents proximity check: return 0    # unclear conditions
if distance(npc, actor) >= 640: return 0
if actor is an npc's escort: return 0
if actor is being escorted by npc: return 0
return 100

Actor scan

actionWeight = 0
selectedAction = none

for each actor in environment: # player is examined first
    if actor is dead: continue
    if distance(npc, actor) > 7168: continue
    # 5-10 more conditions
    greetWeight = 0
    crimeWeight = 0
    if actor is player:
        if npc meets condition x:    # under research
            greetWeight = actionGreetWeighting(npc, actor)
        if npc meets condition y:    # under research
            crimeWeight = actionCrimeWeighting(npc, actor)
    fightWeight = actionFightWeighting(npc, actor)
    lookAtWeight = actionLookAtWeighting(npc, actor)
    action = none
    if lookAtWeight > npc.actionWeight: = actor
        actionWeight = int(lookAtWeight)
        action = lookAt
    if greetWeight > npc.actionWeight: = actor
        actionWeight = int(greetWeight)
        action = greet
    if fightWeight > npc.actionWeight: = actor
        actionWeight = int(fightWeight)
        action = fight
    if crimeWeight > npc.actionWeight: = actor
        actionWeight = int(crimeWeight)
        action = uphold the law
    if actionWeight != 0 and action != none and != none:
        if some 20 page function: # includes expensive functions like line of sight and sneak
   = 0
            actionWeight = 0
            action = none
    if action != none: selectedAction = action


With the lookAt action, the NPC looks at its target's head. The anim controller blends the head pose over time.

Combat Behaviour

NPC Awareness Check

Actions affected NPC AI
Implementation status implemented
Analysis status Verified

This check runs every 5 seconds for each NPC. It occurs whether you are sneaking or not, but isn't the same as the combat distance check.

Player side

if sneaking:
    sneakTerm = fSneakSkillMult * sneak + 0.2 * agility + 0.1 * luck + bootWeight * fSneakBootMult
    sneakTerm = 0

fatigueTerm = fFatigueBase - fFatigueMult*(1 - normalisedFatigue)
where normalisedFatigue is a function of fatigue. empty fatigue bar -> 0.0, full fatigue bar -> 1.0
distTerm = fSneakDistanceBase + fSneakDistanceMultiplier*dist
x = sneakTerm * distTerm * fatigueTerm + chameleon (+ 100 if invisible)

NPC side

npcTerm = npcSneak + 0.2 * npcAgility + 0.1 * npcLuck - npcBlind
npcFatigueTerm = fFatigueBase - fFatigueMult * (1 - normalisedFatigue)
using NPC normalisedFatigue

if PC is behind NPC (180 degrees):
    y = npcTerm * npcFatigueTerm * fSneakNoViewMult
    y = npcTerm * npcFatigueTerm * fSneakViewMult

Final check

target = x - y
roll 100, win if roll < target


Appears straightforward and bug-free. NPCs can take up to five seconds to notice you even if you are not sneaking. This function precedes the combat distance check. I have not identified if there is a line of sight check occuring before or after.

According to this formula, NPCs can still detect you when invisible? That seems wrong. Scrawl (talk) 00:25, 7 January 2014 (CET)

AI Tendencies


Affected by calm and frenzy spells.


Affected by rally and demoralize spells.

