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Spell effect VFX

Used for spell visuals attached to references. e.g. soul trap.

Parameters: Reference reference, float sourceScale

sourceScale is normally 1.0, except:
    Physical projectile hits use sourceScale = 0.5
    Area spell effects use sourceScale  = 2 * spell area radius
entity = reference.baseEntity 

if entity is an NPC:
    offset_z = 0
    vfxScale = reference.scale * entity.height
    if actor scenegraph root node has a NIF box bounding volume:
        # Morrowind Bug: Note that the extents aren't multiplied by 2 to get the full dimensions.
        # This affects all other calculations and is probably unwanted. This particularly affects flying creatures.
        box_dimensions = sceneNode.boxBV.extents
        # entity.bounds are from the "Bounding Box" named node.
        box_dimensions = -

    scaleFactor_xy = max(box_dimensions.x, box_dimensions.y) / 64.0
    scaleFactor_z = box_dimensions.z / 128.0
    scaleFactor = reference.scale * max(factor_xy, factor_z)

    offset_z = 0
    if box_dimensions.z >= 128.0:
        if box_dimensions.z < (box_dimensions.x + box_dimensions.y):
            offset_z = 128.0 - box_dimensions.z
        offset_z = box_dimensions.z - 128.0

    if entity is a flying actor:
        offset_z = offset_z * 0.05

    offset_z = offset_z * scaleFactor
    vfxScale = scaleFactor

vfxScale = max(1.0, sourceScale * finalScale)

Attaches visual effect with local scale vfxScale. It is positioned at entity origin + (0, 0, offset_z).

This is preliminary research, please verify it matches standard Morrowind.