Scripting (status): Difference between revisions

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Line 1,224: Line 1,224:
| PlayBink
| PlayBink
| <font color="darkred"> not started </font>
| <font color="green"> implemented </font>
| PlayGroup
| PlayGroup

Revision as of 12:57, 9 January 2013

Scripting (Status)

This is a list of all the script commands and settings. As in vanilla Morrowind, these same scripts generally work on the console as well as mods.

"But basically the console is not different from other script types (local scripts, global scripts, targeted scripts (not implemented yet) and dialogue scripts (not implemented either)) . It is using the same compiler/interpreter system." - Zini

Note: The list was taken from the UESPWiki.


Name Status
AIActivate not started
AIEscort placeholder-implementation
AIEscortCell not started
AIFollow not started
AIFollowCell not started
AITravel placeholder-implementation
AIWander placeholder-implementation
Activate implemented
AddItem implemented
AddSoulGem implemented
AddSpell implemented
AddToLev not started
AddToLevCreature not started
AddToLevItem not started
AddTopic implemented


Name Status
BC removed
BecomeWerewolf not started
Begin implemented
BetaComment removed


Name Status
COC implemented
COE implemented
Cast not started
CellChanged implemented
CellUpdate removed
CenterOnCell implemented
CenterOnExterior implemented
ChangeWeather implemented
Choice implemented
ClearForceJump not started
ClearForceMoveJump not started
ClearForceRun implemented
ClearForceSneak implemented
ClearInfoActor removed
CreateMaps removed


Name Status
Day implemented
DaysPassed implemented
Disable implemented
DisableControls not started
DisableLevitation not started
DisablePlayerControls implemented
DisablePlayerFighting placeholder-implementation
DisablePlayerJumping implemented
DisablePlayerLooking implemented
DisablePlayerMagic implemented
DisablePlayerViewSwitch implemented
DisableTeleporting not started
DisableVanityMode placeholder-implementation
DontSaveObject implemented
Drop not started
DropSoulGem not started


Name Status
Else implemented
ElseIf implemented
Enable implemented
EnableBirthMenu implemented
EnableClassMenu implemented
EnableInventoryMenu implemented
EnableLevelupMenu placeholder-implementation
EnableLevitation not started
EnableMagicMenu implemented
EnableMapMenu implemented
EnableNameMenu implemented
EnablePlayerControls implemented
EnablePlayerFighting placeholder-implementation
EnablePlayerJumping implemented
EnablePlayerLooking implemented
EnablePlayerMagic placeholder-implementation
EnablePlayerViewSwitch implemented
EnableRaceMenu implemented
EnableRestMenu implemented
EnableStatsReviewMenu implemented
EnableStatsMenu implemented
EnableTeleporting not started
EnableVanityMode implemented
End implemented
EndIf implemented
EndWhile implemented
Equip implemented
ExplodeSpell not started


Name Status
Face not started
FadeIn implemented
FadeOut implemented
FadeTo implemented
Fall not started
FillJournal removed
FillMap implemented
FixMe not started
Float implemented
ForceGreeting implemented
ForceJump not started
ForceMoveJump not started
ForceRun implemented
ForceSneak implemented


Name Status
GameHour implemented
GetAIPackageDone placeholder-implementation
GetAcrobatics implemented
GetAgility implemented
GetAlarm implemented
GetAlchemy implemented
GetAlteration implemented
GetAngle implemented
GetArmorBonus not started
GetArmorType implemented
GetArmorer implemented
GetAthletics implemented
GetAttackBonus not started
GetAttacked implemented
GetAxe implemented
GetBlightDisease implemented
GetBlindness not started
GetBlock implemented
GetBluntWeapon implemented
GetButtonPressed implemented
GetCastPenalty not started
GetChameleon not started
GetColliding not started
GetCollidingActor not started
GetCollidingPC not started
GetCommonDisease implemented
GetConjuration implemented
GetControlsDisabled not started
GetCurrentAIPackage not started
GetCurrentTime implemented
GetCurrentWeather implemented
GetDeadCount implemented
GetDefendBonus not started
GetDestruction implemented
GetDetected not started
GetDisabled implemented
GetDisease not started
GetDisposition implemented
GetDistance implemented
GetEffect implemented
GetEnchant implemented
GetEndurance implemented
GetFactionReaction not started
GetFatigue implemented
GetFight implemented
GetFlee implemented
GetFlying not started
GetForceJump not started
GetForceMoveJump not started
GetForceRun implemented
GetForceSneak implemented
GetHandToHand implemented
GetHealth implemented
GetHealthGetRatio implemented
GetHeavyArmor implemented
GetHello implemented
GetIllusion implemented
GetIntelligence implemented
GetInterior implemented
GetInvisible not started
GetItemCount implemented
GetJournalIndex implemented
GetLOS not started
GetLevel implemented
GetLightArmor implemented
GetLineOfSight not started
GetLocked implemented
GetLongBlade implemented
GetLuck implemented
GetMagicka implemented
GetMarksman implemented
GetMasserPhase implemented
GetMediumArmor implemented
GetMercantile implemented
GetMysticism implemented
GetPCCell implemented
GetPCCrimeLevel implemented
GetPCFacRep implemented
GetPCInJail not started
GetPCJumping not started
GetPCRank implemented
GetPCRunning implemented
GetPCSleep implemented
GetPCSneaking implemented
GetPCTraveling not started
GetPCVisionBonus not started
GetParalysis not started
GetPersonality implemented
GetPlayerControlsDisabled implemented
GetPlayerFightingDisabled implemented
GetPlayerJumpingDisabled implemented
GetPlayerLookingDisabled implemented
GetPlayerMagicDisabled implemented
GetPlayerViewSwitch[disabled] implemented
GetPos implemented
GetRace implemented
GetReputation implemented
GetResistBlight not started
GetResistCorprus not started
GetResistDisease not started
GetResistFire not started
GetResistFrost not started
GetResistMagicka not started
GetResistNormalWeapons not started
GetResistParalysis not started
GetResistPoison not started
GetResistShock not started
GetRestoration implemented
GetScale implemented
GetSecondsPassed implemented
GetSecundaPhase implemented
GetSecurity implemented
GetShortBlade implemented
GetSilence not started
GetSneak implemented
GetSoundPlaying implemented
GetSpear implemented
GetSpeechcraft implemented
GetSpeed implemented
GetSpell implemented
GetSpellEffects implemented
GetSpellReadied not started
GetSquareRoot implemented
GetStanding not started
GetStandingActor not started
GetStandingPC not started
GetStartingAngle implemented
GetStartingPos implemented
GetStrength implemented
GetSuperJump not started
GetSwimSpeed not started
GetTarget not started
GetUnarmored implemented
GetVanityModeDisabled not started
GetWaterBreathing not started
GetWaterLevel implemented
GetWaterWalking not started
GetWeaponDrawn implemented
GetWeaponType implemented
GetWerewolfKills implemented
GetWillpower implemented
GetWindSpeed not started
GoToJail not started
Goodbye implemented


Name Status
HasItemEquipped implemented
HasSoulGem implemented
Help not started
HitAttemptOnMe not started
HitOnMe not started
HurtCollidingActor not started
HurtStandingActor not started


Name Status
If implemented
IsWerewolf not started


Name Status
Journal implemented


Name Status
Lock implemented
Long implemented
LoopGroup implemented
LowerRank implemented


Name Status
MOTO removed
MenuMode implemented
MenuTest not started
MessageBox implemented
ModAcrobatics implemented
ModAgility implemented
ModAlarm implemented
ModAlchemy implemented
ModAlteration implemented
ModArmorBonus not started
ModArmorer implemented
ModAthletics implemented
ModAttackBonus not started
ModAxe implemented
ModBlindness not started
ModBlock not started
ModBluntWeapon implemented
ModCastPenalty not started
ModChameleon not started
ModConjuration implemented
ModCurrentFatigue implemented
ModCurrentHealth implemented
ModCurrentMagicka implemented
ModDefendBonus not started
ModDestruction implemented
ModDisposition implemented
ModEnchant implemented
ModEndurance implemented
ModFactionReaction not started
ModFatigue implemented
ModFight implemented
ModFlee implemented
ModFlying not started
ModHandToHand implemented
ModHealth implemented
ModHeavyArmor implemented
ModHello implemented
ModIllusion implemented
ModIntelligence implemented
ModInvisible not started
ModLightArmor implemented
ModLongBlade implemented
ModLuck implemented
ModMagicka implemented
ModMarksman implemented
ModMediumArmor implemented
ModMercantile implemented
ModMysticism implemented
ModPCCrimeLevel implemented
ModPCFacRep implemented
ModPCVisionBonus not started
ModParalysis not started
ModPersonality implemented
ModRegion not started
ModReputation implemented
ModResistBlight not started
ModResistCorprus not started
ModResistDisease not started
ModResistFire not started
ModResistFrost not started
ModResistMagicka not started
ModResistNormalWeapons not started
ModResistParalysis not started
ModResistPoison not started
ModResistShock not started
ModRestoration implemented
ModScale implemented
ModSecurity implemented
ModShortBlade implemented
ModSilence not started
ModSneak implemented
ModSpear implemented
ModSpeechcraft implemented
ModSpeed implemented
ModStrength implemented
ModSuperJump not started
ModSwimSpeed not started
ModUnarmored implemented
ModWaterBreathing not started
ModWaterLevel implemented
ModWaterWalking not started
ModWillpower implemented
Month implemented
Move not started
MoveOneToOne removed
MoveWorld not started


Name Status
ORI removed
OnActivate implemented
OnDeath not started
OnKnockout not started
OnMurder not started
OnPCAdd not started
OnPCDrop not started
OnPCEquip not started
OnPCHitMe not started
OnPCRepair not started
OnPCSoulGemUse not started
OnRepair not started
Output removed
OutputObjCounts removed
OutputRefCounts removed
OutputRefInfo removed


Name Status
PCClearExpelled implemented
PCExpell implemented
PCExpelled implemented
PCForce1stPerson not started
PCForce3rdPerson not started
PCGet3rdPerson not started
PCJoinFaction implemented
PCLowerRank implemented
PCRace not started
PCRaiseRank implemented
PCSkipEquip not started
PCVampire not started
PCWerewolf not started
PT removed
PayFine not started
PayFineThief not started
PlaceAt not started
PlaceAtMe implemented
PlaceAtPC implemented
PlaceItem implemented
PlaceItemCell implemented
PlayBink implemented
PlayGroup implemented
PlayLoopSound3D implemented
PlayLoopSound3DVP implemented
PlaySound implemented
PlaySound3D implemented
PlaySound3DVP implemented
PlaySoundVP implemented
Position implemented
PositionCell implemented
PurgeTextures removed


Name Status
RA not started
RaiseRank implemented
Random implemented
RemoveEffects not started
RemoveFromLev not started
RemoveFromLevCreature not started
RemoveFromLevItem not started
RemoveItem implemented
RemoveSoulGem implemented
RemoveSpell implemented
RemoveSpellEffects not started
RepairedOnMe not started
ResetActors not started
Resurrect not started
Return implemented
Rotate not started
RotateWorld not started


Name Status
SA removed
SCT removed
SG removed
SSG removed
ST removed
SV not started
SameFaction implemented
Say implemented
SayDone implemented
ScriptRunning implemented
Set implemented
SetAcrobatics implemented
SetAgility implemented
SetAlarm implemented
SetAlchemy implemented
SetAlteration implemented
SetAngle implemented
SetArmorBonus not started
SetArmorer implemented
SetAtStart not started
SetAthletics implemented
SetAttackBonus not started
SetAxe implemented
SetBlindness not started
SetBlock implemented
SetBluntWeapon implemented
SetCastPenalty not started
SetChameleon not started
SetConjuration implemented
SetDefendBonus not started
SetDelete implemented
SetDestruction implemented
SetDisposition implemented
SetEnchant implemented
SetEndurance implemented
SetFactionReaction not started
SetFatigue implemented
SetFight implemented
SetFlee implemented
SetFlying not started
SetHandToHand implemented
SetHealth implemented
SetHeavyArmor implemented
SetHello implemented
SetIllusion implemented
SetIntelligence implemented
SetInvisible not started
SetJournalIndex implemented
SetLevel implemented
SetLightArmor implemented
SetLongBlade implemented
SetLuck implemented
SetMagicka implemented
SetMarksman implemented
SetMediumArmor implemented
SetMercantile implemented
SetMysticism implemented
SetPCCrimeLevel implemented
SetPCFacRep implemented
SetPCVisionBonus not started
SetParalysis not started
SetPersonality implemented
SetPos implemented
SetReputation implemented
SetResistBlight not started
SetResistCorprus not started
SetResistDisease not started
SetResistFire not started
SetResistFrost not started
SetResistMagicka not started
SetResistNormalWeapons not started
SetResistParalysis not started
SetResistPoison not started
SetResistShock not started
SetRestoration implemented
SetScale implemented
SetSecurity implemented
SetShortBlade implemented
SetSilence not started
SetSneak implemented
SetSpear implemented
SetSpeechcraft implemented
SetSpeed implemented
SetStrength implemented
SetSuperJump not started
SetSwimSpeed not started
SetUnarmored implemented
SetWaterBreathing not started
SetWaterLevel implemented
SetWaterWalking not started
SetWerewolfAcrobatics not started
SetWillpower implemented
Short implemented
Show removed
ShowAnim removed
ShowGroup removed
ShowMap implemented
ShowRestMenu implemented
ShowSceneGraph removed
ShowTargets removed
ShowVars not started
SkipAnim implemented
StartCombat not started
StartScript implemented
StayOutside not started
StopCellTest removed
StopCombat not started
StopScript implemented
StopSound implemented
StreamMusic implemented


Name Status
T3D removed
TAI not started
TB not started
TCB implemented
TCG implemented
TCL implemented
TCS not started
TDS not started
TDT not started
TFH implemented
TFOW implemented
TG not started
TGM not started
TKS not started
TL removed
TLF not started
TM not started
TMS not started
TPG implemented
TS placeholder-implementation
TSO not started
TST not started
TTS not started
TVM implemented
TW not started
TWA implemented
TWF implemented
TestCells removed
TestCellsModels removed
TestInteriorCells removed
TestModels removed
TestThreadCells removed
ToggleAI not started
ToggleBorders not started
ToggleCollision implemented
ToggleCollisionBoxes implemented
ToggleCollisionGrid implemented
ToggleCombatStats not started
ToggleDebugText not started
ToggleDialogueStats not started
ToggleFogOfWar implemented
ToggleFullHelp implemented
ToggleGodMode not started
ToggleGrid not started
ToggleKillStats not started
ToggleLights removed
ToggleLoadFade not started
ToggleMagicStats not started
ToggleMenus not started
ToggleModes not started
TogglePathGrid implemented
ToggleScriptOutput not started
ToggleScripts not started
ToggleSky implemented
ToggleStats not started
ToggleTextureString not started
ToggleVanityMode implemented
ToggleWater implemented
ToggleWireframe implemented
ToggleWorld not started
TurnMoonRed implemented
TurnMoonWhite implemented


Name Status
UndoWerewolf not started
Unlock implemented
UsedOnMe removed


Name Status
WakeUpPC implemented
While implemented


Name Status
XBox implemented


Name Status
Year implemented


Here is the current status of MWSE implementation.


Status Description
not started Work on this instruction/function/special variable has not started yet.
placeholder-implementation The instruction/function/special variable has been implemented, but the engine feature, that is controlled by it, is not available yet.
implemented The instruction/function/special variable has been implemented.
removed This instruction/function/special variable will not be implemented (at least not in 1.0), because either it isn't working in Morrowind, or it is a debugging aid, that is used only from the console and does not serve any purpose in OpenMW.