Scripting Extension

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These are notes and current status of extending openmw scripting through SWIG.

Current Status

Python scripting is fully functional. You can call from the console, or can attach to objects/global scripts with the command

StartExternalScript, ""

. This way you get access to all the locals and globals as if your python script is a normal script. The Python script has to be in the same directory that other morrowind data/addons are in (one of the data directories).

How to use

Get the modified openmw binary


$ sudo apt-get install python3-dev swig
$ git clone 
$ cd openmw/
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ make -j
$ [make your python script, see example below]
$ ./openmw --start="Seyda Neen" --skip-menu

then in game, hit "~" to get the console, and run your script with the new command

StartExternalScript, ""

, or write a script/addon that calls StartExternalScript.

Ubuntu PPA

coming soon

Writing Python Script

OpenMW will import your python script as a module and run the "run()" method when you use the morrowind command "StartExternalScript"


Example script, make sure you have a "run()" method, that is what will be called by openmw:

#SomethingScript in morrowind_testing.omwaddon has a short variable named hello you can use
from openmw import *

def run():
    print("health: " + str((gethealth("player"))))
    print("hello i'm a criminal")
    print("flying: " + str(getflying("player")))
    print("flying: " + str(getflying("player")))
    print("random100: " + str(omwget("random100")))
    print("random100: " + str(omwget("random100")))
    print("SomethingScript.hello: " + str(omwget("SomethingScript.hello")))
    print("SomethingScript.hello: " + str(omwget("SomethingScript.hello")))
    omwcall("MessageBox, \"This is a simple message\"")

How to Write Python Scripts

All commands are lowercase and take the same arguments as before, even optional ones. Commands that can take a reference (commands with ->) now have a first argument which is the reference. That first argument is required. If it is an implicit reference, use "self". Example 1:

player->AddItem, "Gold_001", 200 

is now


Example 2:

AIWander, 0, 0, 0 

is now


Example 3:

"urzul gra-agum"->AIWander, 128, 0, 0, 60, 30, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0

is now

aiwander("urzul gra-agum", 128, 0, 0, 60, 30, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
Getting and setting variables
omwset("localvariablename", value)
omwset("globalvariablename", value)
omwset("objectID.variablename", value)
owmset("globalID.variablename", value)


instead of set and get to avoid name collisions with functions in python.

Non-extension functions/instructions

All extensions are directly available for use, but interpreter commands (like message box) can be accessed with "omwcall()"

omwcall("MessageBox, \"This is a simple message\"")

the argument to omwcall will be parsed as if it was a normal Morrowind script.

Debugging output

There's still a bunch of debugging output that will show up in the terminal, bear with it for the moment. Normal python debugging output will go to the terminal.


Security will be an issue (running untrusted scripts), but it something people already deal with in the modding community (e.g, Blender Python Scripting)Security. Concerns can be addressed at a minimum by making users opt in to using python, and can be extended to only allow running scripts signed by a trusted certificate/key.

To do

sandboxed and secure lua scripting, coming very soon!