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Combat Formulae


Hit Chance

  hit chance = Attackers weapon skill * 1.25 + Attackers Attack - Defenders Sanctuary + (Attackers Agility - Defenders Agility) * 0.25 + (Attackers Luck - Defenders Luck) * 0.125


  • Warrior's Attack = 10
  • Thief's Sanctuary = 10

Bodypart Hit Chance


  Damages dealt = (Damage * Damage) / (Damage + Opponent Armor Rating)

Melee Mitigation


Chance of Successful Spell Cast

  chance = (Spells Skill * 2 + Willpower / 5 + Luck / 10 - SpellCost + CastPenalty) * (CurrentFatigue + MaximumFatigue * 1.5) / (MaximumFatigue * 2)

The value for CastPenalty can be accessed with the function GetCastPenalty.

Cast cost

  cost = 0.1 + ((min effect value / 20) + (max effect value / 20)) * ((duration - 1) / 2) + (range / 40).

x1.5 for ranged spell. Constant effect enchantments use fEnchantmentConstantDurationMult as their duration values (default 100).

  • Touch/Self
  cost = base cost * ((max + min) * duration * 0.025 + area * 0.0125)
  • Target
  cost = base cost * ((max + min) * duration * 0.3125 + area * 0.0125)
  • Constant effect
  cost = base cost * ((max + min) * 2.5 + area * 0.025)

The base cost are here


They are more than one formulae on internet, witch one is the real?

Magic Mitigation

Magic Damage


Item Values

Spell cost in gold

  cost of puchasing existing spell = spell cost in magicka * fSpellValueMult

  cost of spellmaking = spell cost in magicka * fSpellMakingValueMult

  cost of enchanting service = Enchantment points * fEnchantmentValueMult

This is adjusted as follows: 0.5% per point of disposition (base 50). 0.5% per point of mercantile skill difference. 0.05% per point of personality value difference. 0.05% per point of luck value difference.

Item costs in Gold

Travel Costs in Gold

Item Durability, Item Charge


With every successful hit a weapon takes fWeaponDamageMult: (default 0.1) percentage of damage rounded down. Minimum damage to weapon = 1 With weapon health going down, its damage is also going down, thus in turn slowing the rate of damaging weapon. Armor takes an amount of damage that it stopped. Only armor part that took a hit takes any damage, while each armor part equipped contributes to the armor rating.


Armor Rating and Armor Class

Determining armor class

Armor class (in case of helm) is determined by these code:

  if (iHelmWeight * fLightMaxMod <= helm. weight):
    return LIGHT
  else if (iHelmWeight * fMedMaxMod <= helm. weight):
     return MEDIUM
     return HEAVY

For other armor types another variable should be used:

  • iHelmWeight
  • iPauldronWeight
  • iGauntletWeight
  • iCuirassWeight
  • iGreavesWeight
  • iBootsWeight

Armor rating

  rating = armor. rating * ArmorSkill / iBaseArmorSkill

if player don't have armor piece unarmored skill is used instead:

  rating = UnarmoredSkill * UnarmoredSkill * 0.0065

Total armor rating determined by these formula:

  totalRating = Cuirass * 0.3 + (Shield + Helm + Greaves + Boots + RPauldron + LPauldron) * 0.1 + (RGauntlet + LGauntlet) * 0.05

How Unarmored Works

Persuasion Formulae

Persuasion options in the NPC dialogue menu.

Shared terms

  persTerm = personality / fPersonalityMod

  luckTerm = luck / fLuckMod

  repTerm = reputation * fReputationMod

  levelTerm = level * fLevelMod

  fatigueTerm = fFatigueBase - fFatigueMult * (1 - normalisedFatigue)

where normalisedFatigue is a function of fatigue: empty fatigue bar -> 0.0, full fatigue bar -> 1.0

  //using player stats
  playerRating1 = (repTerm + luckTerm + persTerm + speechcraft) * fatigueTerm
  playerRating2 = playerRating1 + levelTerm
  playerRating3 = (mercantile + luckTerm + persTerm) * fatigueTerm

  //using NPC stats (note differences)
  npcRating1 = (repTerm + luckTerm + persTerm + speechcraft) * fatigueTerm
  npcRating2 = (levelTerm + repTerm + luckTerm + persTerm + npcSpeechcraft) * fatigueTerm
  npcRating3 = (mercantile + repTerm + luckTerm + persTerm) * fatigueTerm
  d = 1 - 0.02 * abs(npcDisposition - 50)
  target1 = d * (playerRating1 - npcRating1 + 50)
  target2 = d * (playerRating2 - npcRating2 + 50)
  target3 = d * (playerRating3 - npcRating3 + 50) + bribeMod

where bribeMod is fBribe10Mod, fBribe100Mod or fBribe1000Mod


  target1 = max(iPerMinChance, target1)
  roll 100, win if roll <= target1
  c = int(fPerDieRollMult * (target1 - roll))
  x = max(iPerMinChange, c) on success, c on fail