IRC quotes

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Revision as of 17:56, 20 March 2012 by Sirherrbatka (talk | contribs)
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Warning, the following text are quotes from our irc channel and can be disturbing. I strongly recommend to not read it. Remember: What was seen cannot be unseen!

corristo> Norwegian c++ it's kind of Norwegian black metal?
Sir_Herrbatka> tricking chris into sound development is the task for the eldertroll ;-)

>* Sir_Herrbatka strokes KittyCat >* KittyCat is Chris >* Sir_Herrbatka stopes stroking KittyCat

BrotherBrick> coder is someone who cannot spell programmer
scrawl> mygui is the only lib that changes 1/2 of all the functions in a minor release
werdanith> someone forked OpenMW and fixed a bug
werdanith> and I have no idea who he is :P