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For anyone who wants to give OpenMW a try, this will get you started in testing things out.

Game Arguments

The game has terminal/command line arguments available when you run it through the executable that are can be added with the form "openmw --something --something-else"

--help gives a good overview of options available at launch.

--new-game will place in the beginning of the game aboard the boat.

--nosound will start the game with the sound turned off.

--start="Seyda Neen" will start the game at the designated starting cell.

--encoding=win125X will start the game with the appropriate localization. See --help for the available options.


You can test the beginning of the game by running OpenMW with the --new-game switch (see above).


See Controls and Commands for the full rundown.

Also note that, GUI windows with a square on the top right corner can be pinned during game mode by clicking them.

General Commands


Teleport: the commands are coc, to be used with cell names and coe for exterior cells with the provided coordinates (coc "Seyda Neen" or coc Balmora, or coe 2,3).

You can get all cells name with esmtool.


  • Use the console command ToggleCollision (or the short version tcl) to toggle gravity and physics interactions.
  • ToggleCollisionGrid/tcg reveals the collision grid.


You can alter global variables with console syntax of the form "set value to x" (e.g. "set timescale to 2000") and reveal their current value by typing their name. Interesting global variables to tinker with are timescale for the game speed (default is 30) and gamehour for the game hour.

ChangeWeather sets the weather in a certain region. Look it up in the UESP wiki for the definition and examples.



You can populate the journal by talking to quest-offering NPCs or through the console with a command of the form Journal, A2_4_MiloGone, 10


The current status of script commands used in OpenMW.

The complete list of console script commands used in Morrowind along with their description.


If you are running the game with a debugger to analyze a segmentation fault you should run the game with the --no-grab argument to avoid the game locking up the mouse input when it crashes.

For example with gdb:

 gdb ./openmw
 run --no-grab

Interesting Cells

Here is a list of interesting cells to test:

Extra Information

Here is a list of interior cell names in Morrowind that you can use to go from one place to another.

There is a test level project that is also interesting.